Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The year so far

Well, it's been a great year so far. Finally got a maths teacher I can understand, a renewed zeal to study, great friends around me and most of all, a God that loves me:D God has been answering my prayers!
Yong Zhi was finally able to go to church for the first time!! Haleluyah!
Today I went to Tammy's birthday lunch at PizzaHut and we had a smashing time. Christopherx2, Dennis, Jordon, Alvin Phua and Jethro was also there. It was all laughs when we saw Tammy's birthday cake and ice cream that was a little profane if you think dirty when the waitress stuck a candle between the two. We were all making lewd jokes about the cake/icecream that I have come to feel abit guilty over. I wonder if God minded? Oh wells. in anycase, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMMY!!

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