Thursday, July 30, 2009

Under the Dentist's Drill (III)

Went back to adjust my braces again today. Yay they're orange now!

Anyways I finally got all my teeth braced up. Before this, two of them were left free cuz they were kinda in a tough spot. My teeth should be quite straight in two months time. But before those two, months, GAWSH, it's tough to chew. Apparently, the dentist inserted some kinda cement like thingy on my upper back teeth so I couldnt bite together and interfere with the movement of the two teeth I mentioned earlier.

The dentist said that I might experience some slight "discomfort"

Now we come to what seems like the favourite phrase of the entire medical community, "slight discomfort". sounds harmless enough, like sensation of sitting on a remote control. I will now demonstrate to you how to use this phrase as the professionals use it.

"Mr Henry, I'm about to insert a 5 cm thick tube up your rectum and swirl it around WITHOUT using anaesthetics. You might feel some slight discomfort,"

"Ms Erika, we will have to bash you repeatedly on the head with a sledgehammer until you recover your memory, you might experience a slight discomfort"

Safe to say, the last time experienced such "slight discomfort" involved a hammer, a nail and my thumb. So anyways, I cant bite properly now and I have constant "slight discomfort" that feels like ten thousand miniature people ripping my gums appart. So I'm just on cloud nine right now=D

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