Shalom! I'm finally back from Surabaya. It has been such a fruitful trip, it was a pleasure doing the Lord's work. To start of, this mission trip is actually a medical mission in which we will give free consultation and medication to the people living in the slum area. Rest assured, our team is made up of fully qualified Singaporean doctors(whose names I will not mention) from hospitals like TTK and Mount. E.. In any case this is an outline of the 3-day trip. PS I will not disclose any names(except me and my mother of course) and location of the medical centre due to publicity issues. Day1: Arrived at the vicinity at around 9am after landing in Surabaya.

Okay! I'm here! But frankly speaking I had no idea what they're goonna ask me to do hm...

The makeshift medical centre is actually inside a local secondary school.

On that day, they were giving out free haircuts on the second floor, sweet!

This is the registration

and this is where we measure the patients' blood pressure and temperature. Why's the woman glaring at me like that?.....

After that the patients are off to the health talk. As they say, prvention is better than cure.

Look it's me!! haha I found out that I was going to be an usher and to call the next patient. Pleeeease dun call me a nurse-__-"

A doctor hre examining a patient

And then it's off to the apotechary.


of course they dun leave just like that, for those who are willing, we send them for counselling.

Then for those are willing we pray for them. Sigh one disturbing fact was that, women were breatfeeding all over the place!! At first I thought the babies were just biting their moms' clothing, wait a minute! That ain't clothing!!! At around 4.30pm we ended all operations. There were alot of flop ups on the first day, at the beginning, all the patients were holding on to their cards so the ushers(me) had to run around searching for the right patients.... So frustrating.... Yeah then we got smarter and took away all their cards and everything went MUCH better. So this proves that even(especially) when you are doing work for God you have to have good management and planning skills, God won't appear and clear up all your messes for you just like that. My greates ordeal was the first day, as the crowds died down, there came an old lady decked in a green kebaya. I sesed there was something not quite right about her, when she touched my arm, my arm, my nose mulfunctioned, She smelt as if she hadn't bathed in months! But I know that the Lord calls me to love these people. So no matter how hard it was, I guided her to the psychiatry doctor(she was mentally handicapped) and I hoped that we were able to touch her. In any case I felt quite guilty that night, you know why? Just look at the next picture

YES!! THAT was my hotel! I felt really guilty when I thought of how those village peoplee had to call that slum their home... So that night I reflected on all that has transpired that day... and I wrote a poem down which I will publish in another post. Day 2: alright so we made a few adjustments to the consultation room. now it's muuuch spacier and the system was sooo much more efficient.

the ushers' corner

this bottle of disinfecting gel was FULL when we arrived.

the patient's card.

After the crowds died down, I went from Usher, to Pharmacist, to GARBAGE TRAMPLER, and after that I'm STILL out of job!
There was a very sad scne on that day tho, one female patient was paralyzed with AIDS. She was carried to the back curtains so I did not see her. It was very sad. Otherwise everything was quite similar to the first day. Except for a few incidents that transpired. Question, when a big guy takes control of your post in a way you don't like, what do you do? a) Stand up to him and tell him to the face b) suffer under his system c) run off to a beauty spa. guess which choice my mum took? Then that night, there was an EXCEPTIONALLY sinful dinner. We went to a portuguese(did I spell that right?) diner that night where the rib eye steak costs FIVE DOLLARS!!!!! yumyum. haha even the others said that my mom was giving me a wrong example of what missions should be like. haha I was telling them "hey all those books on missionary I read never involved any buffet breakfast and eating medium well rib eye with dessert!"

the doctors and I

relaxing after a hard day of work.

the sinful delights we had bought for the children in the orphanage my mom helped to raise.
Day 3, The last day was ironically the most efficient day as the system was already firmly set.

ALRIGHT! Let the multitudes come!

me being a makeshift interpreter.

my mom giving the health talk

A fellow usher and I prescribing the patients to the specialist doctors. For lunch me and my mom did something quite sinful, we sneaked of to Shangri-La hotel to have a buffet lunch and only after that went to the orphanage to pick up some sick children:P.

the staff and children from my mom's orphanage.
one of the children and I. Well, had the best beginners, missions that I could ask for. There was one other thing. Throughout the second and third day, the media tried to video us but we denied them access no matter how persistent they were. I just hope the people of the village dun suffer anymore because of them. Anyways I truly enjoyed serving God. I can't wait to go for the next missions. If you are a follower of Christ and you haven't went for a mission trip, I highly recommend you to go for one. Well for now, it's home sweet home for me:D

The view I took from the plane.
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