Yays!! I met up with Darylene, Jordon and Shamien today to visit the furry critters of SPCA looking for a nice Bila bilabong to addopt. Not really we went there for a Student Leader project to help out as volunteers. We were first greeted by the glam-mama Ms Sebastian and told how we were to help out. So anyways we found out that were to escort several sec 1s around the kennels and catteries. So of we went to brave the perils of excessive fur and saliva.
It has been a great visit. I think my pants have some kind of dog pheromone in it, almost every dog I went close too was all over my pants, biting and otherwise, which left me in a ticklish dillema. Thank God I wore long pants. Do bear in mind that all these animals are the result of irresponsible pet ownership. Personally I care more for the well-being of humans rather than animals but bear in mind that these little critters are creations of our one God too so cwe must love and care for them. On behalf of the SPCA I would like to give 2 messages "Do not buy a pet on impulse" and "To you, he might just be a pet but to him, you're EVERYTHING"
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