"Lord Emanias, please rise"
"With pleasure your Graces" bowed Emanias as he rose from his seat "Your Graces know of the affairs of the land, much trouble is boiling in central Antia,"
"With all due respect Lord Emanias, there is no problem in Antia other than that of your own fancy," The High Prophetess spoke in the lull of a song, through the breeze of her ornamented fan. "Honestly, if there was any trouble in Antia, the Sacrisanc council would have been informed eons ago through the messengers"
"Lady Shardina, it is rude of you to interupt me whilst I was delivering my report. In any case, it appears that the prying eyes of your messengers have conveniently missed out the unrest in Antia, the state of the Nevians? There is great tension between the Ashmarans and Nevians,"
"I am completely astonished that you would doubt my messengers and imply such an appaling thing! Honestly, Emanias, there is no ill will in me. Only the will of the Shaddai through the Shaddai's chosen ones the 4 Sancrosses(blessed forever)!"
"We MUST send help to Antia NOW! Send forth Medics, Helpers and Guardsmen from the Cathedral of Apocalypse. The people are suffering and a civil war may start should we wait any longer!"
"This is preposterous Emanias! Sit down! Do not display such words and acts of contempt in the presence of the Sancrosses(blessed forever)! Our fine warriors should be reserved for times of war and we have even yet to verify you report," Suddenly concious of her tone, she continued "If anyone needs to be sent, we shall send the Strong-towers to terminate any trouble there might be"
"No more of this Lady Shar-"
"Enough of this!" rang the crystal voices of the 4 Sancrosses in unison "Let there be no quarrel in our pressence and in the presence of the Shaddai"
"My apologies you Graces, your servant begs your pardon."
"You may continue with your report,"
"Thank you your Graces, as I have said, we urgently need to send as many civil servants as possible to help and calm the people of Central Antia. And let there be peace making between the Nevians and Ashmarans,"
For a short moment, the Sancrosses gazed at each other, a silent discussion. Then they turned back and spoke.
"Unfortunately, Lord Emanias, we cannot grant your request. We cannot verify the report you gave"
"Your Graces! Do not treat your servant with such doubt. Go to Central Antia and see for yourself your Graces"
"Enough is said Lord Emanias, please be seated. We refuse your request,"
"Then so be it your Graces! I can see that the presence of the Shaddai has left the Hallowed Citadel. All ye Sacrisancs are corrupt with greed and power"
"Enough Lord Emanias"
"Ye Lords and Ladies pervert justice and distort the word of the Shaddai"
"ENOUGH! Lest you be punished most severely!"
"Enough? I hereby abdicate my place in the Sacrisanc council! This is no place to serve the Shaddai or even the people!" Emanias stripped off his divine diadem and tossed it to the ground where it shattered across the Grand Hall.
"How unfortunate that Lord Emanias should depart from us," Uttered Sancross Gamaliel
"Indeed, very unfortunate" resounded the voices of the other three
"The poor chap, he does not know what he is doing" whispered Lady Shardina, a sinister smile curled across her face.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Malaysia Trip

haha The next day we went to Cameron highlands. These are a few shots of it

The tree cursed by Jesus or rather, it's great great great great great great great great great great great great grand nephew's great great great great great great grandchild

Gawsh... I used to have at least 4/5 of these when I was younger
Well that brings us to the end of the Malaysia trip and a start of a new year!! Happy NEw YEar!!!
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