Wherever I look nowadays, I find people emoing. Even my closest Christian friends have been drowning themselves in sorrows and anxiety. I admit, even I myself do that sometimes.
I'm convinced that we are living in a world that enjoys hurting itself. Smoking, drugs, self-mutilation, fornication, these are all the ways people enjoy hurting themselves. to the extent that they boast to each other of their own suffering. I’ve heard people saying "I have been through much more pain than you" or "you don't understand the pain I'm going through". A generation that enjoys wallowing in despair.
Sometimes I also tell others “woah my class is so stressful...” or “woah I have to wake up so early every morning...” then I would wonder: Why am I saying this? Is it just to relieve stress? Or am I actually boasting about it. Don’t other people go through nearly the same thing?
Why do we not tell others about it and put on a facade when we are in pain? I will now reveal the ugly side, it's because we enjoy it. We enjoy it when we suffer, I will list several reasons I sometimes do this and I’m sure I’m not alone. It makes us feel special, it makes us feel important so that others should pay attention to us. If that's not the reason then it's because then we feel superior to others because we feel we have more burdens than them. And if that's still not the reason then it's because we have someone to blame. We make ourselves "MARTYRS" and then say that society is putting it on us.
All lies. So what if I can suffer more? I am just boasting that I am silly enough to put on myself more than I can carry.
This is wrong. It is so wrong. How could God's people, the people He Himself handpicked to carry the Joy of Heaven into earth, be drowned in sorrow and anxiety?
It doesn't make sense.
Why are the people who carry the Joy of Heaven so easily put down by the things of Earth? Why if we have received the gift of eternal life are we still afraid of the people and circumstances around us?
Sometimes I fear that if I do not live up to the expectations of the people around me, I would be a bad vessel of the Gospel? Is that it? So instead of showing them I am not strong enough to break my limits I show them that I am a push over subjected to judgement? Am I not already free from the ultimate judgement? Then why fear the judgement of man? I must remember that God is sovereign and will still draw people towards Himself even though I am weak.
If you ever find yourselves in my shoes, brothers in Christ, do not allow yourself to be drowned in sorrows. For the sake of yourself and for the people you want to reach out to, DONT. I do not think it is very attractive if all we have to offer is a bunch of weeping martyrs who keep a mask of happiness? Let your love and joy be evident to all. Be Joyful always. Even when we are sad we still can be joyful because we have a hope of a better tomorrow. The hope that Jesus gives us
And to those who are not Christian, please. There is SO MUCH MORE to life than sorrow. look past your sorrows and find that other things can give you fulfilment besides suffering.
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