Once upon a time there was the kingdom of Wumbada. The Wumbadites were very happy people. One day, there was news spreading around the city about the
obscenely huge killer ponies approaching the kingdom.
the Wumbadites were terrified. They had heard stories of how the killer ponies can wipe away entire cities with a swish of their blonde ribbon braided tail. And how with it's twinkly eye it could turn peoples into lollipops, eat them and fart them out as gamma radiating rainbows. And now it was on it's way to Wumbada! how terrible!!
There was one hope however. Legend has it that there was a certain elusive, magical, radiant golden banana that once eaten would make the eater invulnerable to all the attacks of the obscenely huge killer ponies. This magical Golden Banana was worth faaaaar more than any diamond or gem.
There was one problem however, nobody has ever found the golden banana and nobody knows how or where to find it.
There was one Wumbadite boy though who was determined to find some golden bananas to save himself and his family. So off he went with the permission of his parents to search far and wide for the golden banana. He went around from wise man to wise man, from library to library, searching for clues as to how he could save himself from the killer ponies. Some of the wise men were really strange.
Some of them said that you had to Plant as many banana trees as you can and eat 5000 bronze bananas and 5000 silver bananas from those trees without eating a SINGLE rotten banana then you would stand a chance to find a Golden Banana. Bronze and Silver bananas were not too hard to find if you're looking for one or two, but that much was quite impossible to find or eat for that matter. Their worth pales in comparison with that of a Golden banana though
Some of them said that everyone was once a monkey and had eaten lots and lots of rotten bananas so they couldnt find the Golden Banana. Apparently, one man had been able to get rid of all his past rotten bananas by planting and eating even more bronze and silver bananas.
Some also said that there was no need to find a Golden Banana because everyone is a Golden Banana and the Golden Banana is within everyone. You must look within yourself and find your inner banana, then you must do the banana dance a million times to transcend itno bananaland and then groom the eternal Banana tree and it will give you a Golden Banana.
Some even said that you had to attain a state of bananahood where you become one with the Great Banana Tree and you your self turn Into a banana. You must concentrate real hard till you think of nothing else but bananas to get bananahooded then the ponies won't harm you.
Still some said there are no Golden bananas and no killer ponies and that everyone's father was a butt-scratching monkey.
The boy noticed something queer about all the wisemen. They were all very wise but they all kept talking about people who had found the Golden banana and ways to find it but none of them have seemed to actually find it for themselves. So he decided to continue with his search.
One day the boy was stopped by a man.
"Hullo I heard you are looking for Golden Bananas?" asked the man
"Yes I am. Do you know anything about them?" asked the boy drearily, expecting to hear another long winded story of people who had found the Golden banana and ways to get it.
"I know where to get the Golden Bananas, would you like to know?" The boy's eyes
"Yes! What must I do to get one? Should I plant a banana tree?"
"You do not have to do anything, I have planted all the Golden banana trees. All you have to do is eat it. Come, follow me" The man answered
Confused but curious, the boy followed. When he did, he found himself in a HUUUUUGE Banana plantation, but the bananas here were strange. They were more beautiful and looked more luscious than any other fruit he had ever seen. Whole bunches of bananas shone Golden colour under the sun. The boy couldnt believe it, he knew without a doubt that these were the elusive Golden bananas. All this time he had been searching so hard for the Golden bananas and now trees of them were right in front of him. The boy wondered if the man would give him some of the bananas.
"These are the golden bananas" the man said "Please, give me some of the Golden bananas" the boy begged
"There is only one condition if you want a Golden Banana"
"What is it?"
"You have to give me all your silver and bronze bananas, even the rotten ones."
The boy was shocked, although the Golden banana was worth so much more than the silver and bronze bananas, he still liked the bananas he had. But the boy grit his teeth. For the sake of his mission, he traded all his inferior bananas for the Golden one.
"The magic of the banana is that it is only possible to eat it once and then you will be forever immune to the killer ponies but take as many as you can" said the man "and give them to as many people as would receive them. Tell them to come here and pay me the same price you have paid. Another magic in the banana is that you will not be able to eat it until you surrender all your other bananas. Be fast, the obscenely huge killer ponies are coming soon!"
The boy then peeled one banana and ate it. Instantly, he felt a change in him and he knew whatever killer ponies would not be able to harm him anymore. he thanked the man, took a whole bunch of bananas and ran back to all the wise men to give some to them. To his astonishment however, the wise men mocked him and laughed at him. They said his Golden bananas were fake. All these years they've been working and have not attained the Golden banana, how could the boy in such a short time get it? This was the same case for many of the other people in the kingdom. But many of people the people also believed and took a Golden banana and ate it.
Of course, soon the obscenely huge killer ponies arrived and destroyed the town and all those who didnt eat the golden banana were turned into lollipops and farted out into rainbows. Only the boy and those who ate the Golden bananas survived.

And so, they witnessed the destruction of the city. Everyone was tremendously sad that many people had not believed their story and ate the Golden banana. The ponies were still prancing about the devastated city looking for more lollipops to eat. Suddenly, the man who owned the banana plantation appeared and said to all of them.
"These obscenely huge killer ponies have been rampaging for too long. We must rid this world of them." Then he took a banana launcher and Blasted all the ponies to smitherines with Golden Bananas. He told all those who had eaten the Golden Banana.
"You all are wise to have eaten the Golden banana. Now you can all live in a new world free of the fear of the obscenely huge killer ponies."
And so it was, everyone rejoced that the dreaded ponies are finally gone and they lived happilly ever after.
The End