avoiding books, avoiding medicine, avoiding brooms, avoiding blacks(that didn't come out right).
Yays! I had quite alot of fun with the PM gang on our celebration, here are some pics,(photo courstesy of our dear ducky)
the Yu Sheng that we had
still preparing.....
brown gold!
simply having fun
Shao Long, I can see into your nostrils.....
going after the "ah beng" look
haha, finally a serious fun picture, wait did that make sense?
Lao Hei!! usually people would be shouting crap about good fortune, but we sounded like a crappy church choir shouting HALELUYA!HALELUYA!! haha good fun
STEAMBOAT!!!!! believe it or not, all the ingredients we bought amounted only to around $29 which is around the price of Pizza hut delivery. who says you can't have cheap and good steamboat?
I have NO IDEA why ben took this photo
and of course, with new year comes, WINE WINE WINE!!!!!! haha dun worry I didnt get drunk and am not intending to get drunk. but I like wine, it runs in my family, although I'm only 16 haha, a toast to the new year!!!
well that's all the pics of the PM Cheena new year celebration.

after that I had another Cheena New Year Celebration dinner, this time with my family. photo courtesy of my bro
all the dishes you see are made by my mom
This Yu Sheng was purchased from Sushi Tei and it was goooooooooooood
Fish maw & Abalone soup!!! yum!
This is not steamboat but a dish call bhen chai. also by my mom, it was AWESOME!
The Yusheng ready to be mixed
why do I look so weird?
just add gold!
Lastly, we had Baked Alaska for dessert, It tasted like a piece of sweet cloud, drooool...
we ended with some healthy fruits after that oh-so-sinful dinner.
haha that was more or less my new year celebration besides the ang pao and visitation. Me and my big mouth promised Joseph that I'd be treating him plus the PM gang to dinner if I collected more than $1000 worth of ang pao, and then it came true, oh well. treating them this friday, so annoying. haha HAPPY CHEENA NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!
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