Saturday, September 12, 2009
Answers to the tough questions
1: Regarding this question let us look at this from God's perspective. What does God stand to gain out of our worship and adoration alone? The answer is: nothing whatsoever. Think over this with me, what would the Almighty God of the Infinite as well as the finite, much much much greater than we can even imagine gain from the puny, in fact, comparatively pathetic worship that some tiny creatures living on a floating speck of dust in the tiny universe that fits in the palm of his hand? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
Even if He were a sadist(which of course He is not) that gets a kick out of making lesser beings worship him I don't think he would even heed us. We're too tiny and puny! And he wouldn't bother making us if adoration is the only thing he wanted right?
It would be like making a computer software to praise yourself that goes "You are wonderful, you are marvelous, etc" on and on and on without stopping and if I may say, that is a very very sad case and even if we were that, we are obviously very faulty products.
As I heard lately "I(God) don't make junk"
First of all, what is true worship? There are many instances in the Bible where God actually REJECTED his people's "worship" of sacrifices and praises because it was not true. S obviously, he's not self-absorbed. But what is worship? The Bible tells us that "to obey is better than sacrifice" so one aspect of true worship is obedience. It's like how a father wants a child to be obedient to him, not because the father is a control-freak but because he loves the child and want whats best for him. With our human father we call it obedience, with our heavenly father we call it worship.
So why worship? The answer lies in the one most mysterious and incomprehensible aspect of God that is, Love. Why did God make humans in the first place? to share His Love and have a relationship with them. God can very easily talk to us and show his love to us, after all, He is God; but what about our side?
Originally, it was easy. Notice that in Genesis in the creation of man, God never once said to Adam and Eve " Thou shalt worship the Lord your God" at least not in the truest sense of the word "worship", no that came later in Exodus. On the contrary, Adam and Eve talked with God face to face and God walked amongst them in the garden. So what happened? Man sinned and were unable to communicate directly with the Holy God. Obviously, a relationship can't continue with only one side of the party talking to the other, it must be a two way thing. So how can man communicate with God again? You got it, worship. Be it praying, singing, obeying his word and so on, that is the way sinful man can communicate with God.
And why MUST we communicate with God? Aren't we good on our own? Well the answer is no. There is a saying, "Humans are the smartest creatures on earth. They are the only ones who can develop faster, more efficient and more creative ways of killing themselves." Without God's repeated intervention, we would have blown ourselves up a long long time ago. Worship helps us keep track of who we are and who God is; that he is greater and we are lesser. As his masterpieces, the work of his hands, we are obliged to glorify his name. Does a good painter or musician make a work of art with the purpose of putting himself to shame? of course not. As the Bible puts it
"You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "He did not make me"? Can the pot say of the potter, "He knows nothing?"
So don't see worship as a self-centred thing on God's part, it's the only way we can communicate with our loving father and at the same time, experience his love for us.
2. Jesus once said "...I am gentle and humble in heart..." He did not just talk the talk, he walked the walk. In the greatest show of humility in history, the God of all the universe became a mere human and died a painful and shameful death for the sake of all people. So quite obviously, God is in fact humble.
As for how he can still demand our worship and that we do not worship any other if he is humble. Well, I've already clarified what worship is, so let me ask this question. Is it arrogant for a husband to demand his wife to give him and him alone an exclusive intimate love and is it arrogant for the wife to demand the same of the husband? Quite clearly no, it is not arrogant of you to demand an exclusive intimate love from your spouse otherwise it would be called adultery.
It is the same with God, as his beloved people, he demands us to love him exclusively as God, not because he is a self-absorbed egocentric, but because we ought to.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Chew on these
1 Why does God demand our worship? Does this make him an egocentric?
2 Is God humble? In that case how can He demand for worship and adoration?
3 What if after it's all said and done and we're all in heaven, what if Man is to fall again?
4 If an elder brother goes into a forest and nobody is there to see him, is he still a doofus?
Hrmm.... indeed these are very tough questions(especially the last one). I've thought of an answer to the first two questions. Feel free to tag your thoughts, just make sure it won't be too offensive=)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
"O" Level Mother Tongue Results finally out
My results actually kinda shocked me.
First let me say. Thanks to my wonderful elder brother, guess where I was 12 hours before the mother tongue paper? That's right! The land of the rising sun! Japan yay!. And thanks to that I completely missed out an entire week of mother tongue drilling that all my other peers went through. And I kinda got stunned during the malay orals and stoned for a few seconds.
So, as you might guess, this morning I was EXTREMELY nervous about my result. I really didn't want to retake Malay paper. So anyways, we were finally called to the hall to receive our results. The teacher was there lecturing us about the average grades of all the mother tongue subjects.
When he reached Malay, he said that it was 100% passes. That hardly gave me any comfort.
My fear was not in failing but it was that I receive a horrible pass and be forced to retake the paper. Then he said that the percentage of distinction was 45%. Somebody very helpfully pointed out that that means about only 4 people got As in the malay class. I wasnt bothered, It's definitely not me right?
I kept thinking "Stop preaching to us and show us the results danggit!" I just wanted to rip off the rubber band.
Earlier in class, I was praying "God I know that whatever grades I may receive, it is what I deserve to receive and I will praise Your Name no matter what it is Lord. I just pray that I may glorify you through my results,"
So anyways, FINALLY the teachers started calling the names of students to come up and see their results. I waited, and waited, actually I didnt have to wait for long cause 2 names after the first student, the teacher called out: "ALVIN!"
I was confused at this part, there are 2 Alvins in my class you see. So the other one went up and then sat back down. Then again I waited and waited and waited as names were called and cries of both sorrow and joy echoed through the hall. My heart was beating quickly within me. Finally the teacher called out the other Alvin's chinese name an I was like"HEY!!!! Why didnt anyone tell me that the first Alvin was me?". So finally, I walked up to the teacher and I asked what rsult I got asI scanned that piece of paper.
"You got an A1,"
I could not believe my ears! I got A1?!?!" and the teacher replied "Yes, you got an A1" My hands were trembling as I signed beside my score, everyone could see that.
I literally leapt for joy as I left and shouted "HALELUYA!!!!" and I can testify that it is truly only by God's grace that I got an A1. hahah, expected differently didnt you? Although, after that, alot of people gave me abit of contempt cuz I skipped a week of intensive driling going on holiday... But all I can say is this, I had worked hard before that and even then, it was not just because of my effort that got I the A1, it's all thanks to God's grace. I never stopped telling them that.
Out of the class of 10 only 4 got A1 an I was one of them=D Ironically though, 3 of the 4 people who aced malay were Chinese haha.
Praise God
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Bible as a Literature Text
One theing I'm going to do is post a passage from the Bible(or should I call it prose?) every now and then and put some questions beneath it. All Christian Lit students, feel free to try it out=D
I'm gonna start with John 21
John 21
1Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias. It happened this way: 2Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. 3"I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.4Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
5He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?"
"No," they answered.
6He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
7Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, "It is the Lord," he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. 8The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards. 9When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.
10Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught."
11Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. 12Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." None of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord. 13Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. 14This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.
15When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?""Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my lambs."
16Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me?"
He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep."
17 The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?"
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my sheep. 18 I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." 19Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, "Follow me!"
20Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, "Lord, who is going to betray you?") 21When Peter saw him, he asked, "Lord, what about him?"
22Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me." 23Because of this, the rumor spread among the brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?"
24This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true.
25Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
1 What are your impressions of the disciples ?2 Explain at least 5 ironies in this passage
3 What other literary devices are used and how do they enrich the passage?
4 What is the significance of the last paragraph?
(I'll post my own answers soon=)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
you are not you, you are just a mask
your lips are purple on your sullen cheek
Tuesday, prancing, yellow and gay
your face is radiant though your mind's a fray
Wednesday, pleasing the upper hand
orange smiles with many knives in the sand
Who are you?
such a hypocrite
I've never known you
get out of my sight
What is real and what is fake I ask
You are not you, you are just a mask
Thursday, you're impressing a maid'
you're not blushing yet your face is all red
Friday, already you're running dry
your eyes' are all grey yet you refuse to cry
Saturday, and you're pious white
On your knees you pray, pray that snakes won't bite
Who are you?
such a hypocrite
I've never known you
get out of my sight
What is real and what is fake I ask
You are not you, you are just a mask
So tear it off, before these masquerades crash
waste away the mask and bare the rotting flesh
it eats away your face, and replaces your skin
till you're not you but you're just a mask
Sunday, the canvas void of paint
Take it off now or do it all over again
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What's wrong with this scene?
I have no comments on this, make of it anything you want. I don't even want to think where the water comes from.
But guess what my mother thought?
1st reaction: "Oh my GAWSH! the woman is eating ice-cream on her bed!!!! The OUTRAGE!!!"
Indeed!! What would our innocent ice-cream and bed deprived children THINK when they are expose to such OUTRAGEOUS pictures as someone eating on their beds!!! Childhood obesity people!! And think of all the ANTS!! The horror....
2nd reaction: "She left the ice-cream pack on the FLOOR!!! Who's gonna clean that for her?!?!?"
SIN!!!! She LITTERED!!! In her OWN HOUSE!!! How degenerated our society has become to leave ice cream packages all over our houses tsktsktsk.
3rd reaction: oh hey, she's nearly naked, they really shouldnt screen this in public
So there you have it, give a round of applause to my mom=)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
To Singapore with love
I had quite a fun time actually during the SL farewell especially. But I genuinely enjoyed some of the programs especially the songs( NOT the new ndp song which has the unanimous vote of being "interesting" if you know what I mean)Anyways when the song "Home" played, I did a short reflection on my time spent in Singapore since I'm leaving this place soon. Indeed, Singapore has been a won
derful home to me in more ways than one. I've spent half of my 16 years here now and there really hasnt been a place quite like Singapore I must say. It's not so much my family that makes this place feel like home tho, cuz they are always on the move and I always feel at home with them.
The education, amenities, environment and whatnot aside. What I've truly come to appreciate the most here are the people I've met and the dear friends I've made. They are the ones who truly make this place worth calling "home" and I cant thank them more for that.
Singapore will always be a part of me wherever I'll go to and I know I have a home here among the people. But I also know that I must make other homes for myself to even as i move from place to place. Each of them is unique. So indeed
this is home, truly~
Anyways, I had lots of fun at the SL farewell party too. I really want to thank all my juniors as well for making it such a splendid moment for all us old birds haha.
Yours truly, The Turtle KingXD
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Pilaf anyone?
Anyone knows where I can find a turkish restaurant in Singapore??
hahahhhahaha nevermind, being completely random.
Anyways, yesterday was my piano exam at Funan mall. Weeeeeeell it kinda sucked for a lot of reasons.
First of all I was SUPER NERVOUS, I can't remember the last time I was that nervous haha. My hands were shaking so bad I could hardly hit the right notes sheesh....
Second reason being it was the national APBEDPE program again which stands for:
Annual Penguin Breeding Engagement During Piano Exams
And OF COURSE they have to set all aircons to full blast for fear that the penguins would realize the effects of global warming or the hostility of a tropical climate and(here's where they've learnt a little Singapore mannerism) complain and do absolutely nothing including refusing to reproduce(I heard that nowadays the penguins are bullying their penguin maids to destress instead).
So anyways, there were other reasons to but I'm sure you have better things to do like admiring the polar bears I've released in Funan mall or cleaning behind your refrigerator, so I'll stop my ranting here.
By the way do turkish restaurants serve penguin meat?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Under the Dentist's Drill (III)
Anyways I finally got all my teeth braced up. Before this, two of them were left free cuz they were kinda in a tough spot. My teeth should be quite straight in two months time. But before those two, months, GAWSH, it's tough to chew. Apparently, the dentist inserted some kinda cement like thingy on my upper back teeth so I couldnt bite together and interfere with the movement of the two teeth I mentioned earlier.
The dentist said that I might experience some slight "discomfort"
Now we come to what seems like the favourite phrase of the entire medical community, "slight discomfort". sounds harmless enough, like sensation of sitting on a remote control. I will now demonstrate to you how to use this phrase as the professionals use it.
"Mr Henry, I'm about to insert a 5 cm thick tube up your rectum and swirl it around WITHOUT using anaesthetics. You might feel some slight discomfort,"
"Ms Erika, we will have to bash you repeatedly on the head with a sledgehammer until you recover your memory, you might experience a slight discomfort"
Safe to say, the last time experienced such "slight discomfort" involved a hammer, a nail and my thumb. So anyways, I cant bite properly now and I have constant "slight discomfort" that feels like ten thousand miniature people ripping my gums appart. So I'm just on cloud nine right now=D
Monday, July 27, 2009
Well amazingly, none of these are true. So what is the church for?
The church is not a place for holy people.
Here is the criteria for people who the church was made for, let's see if it's made for you:)
1 you have lied(white,grey or black) at least one time in the past seven days
2 you have stolen things before(this includes watching pirated DVDs and downloading music online)
3 you have had sexual fantasies/immorality and/or indulged in pornography
4 you have been jealous for other people's popularity/status/belongings/etc
5 you have been so angry you abused someone verbally or physically
If you have fulfilled the even one of the criteria above, congratulations! The church is made ESPECIALLY for YOU and you have an exclusive invitation given out personally by God.
I'll tell you who the church was made for, it was made for sinners. That means you and me.
Just as the hospital is meant for sick people, the church meant for sinners. It was never intended to be a place for holy people, they don't exist. Jesus said
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
The church was build for those who are broken-hearted, those who know they have no hope, those who cry out at night but nobody hears them, those who find no meaning in life and in themselves, those who are weak and tired, those who are plagued with fears they dare not face, those who are haunted by the past and have nowhere to run, those who have hundreds of winning medals but are still a losers in their mind, Those who have everything but know something is missing, those who are constantly surrounded by people but know they are lonely inside, those whose friends have left them, those whose loved ones have been taken away from them, those who are grief-stricken, those who can't seem to stop doing the wrong things, those who ashamed that they are downright filthy inside. Those who want to be truly changed from their current state.
Those who know that they are sinners
These are the type of people that Jesus came to save and the type of people that he built the church for. To give hope to the hopeless, to comfort the broken-hearted, to grant rest to the restless, to give strength to the weak and courage to the fearful, to complete those who are incomplete, to give love to all those who need it.
To grant forgiveness to the sinner. He will heal you and transform you from the inside out
That is what a church is and is for. So if you fulfill the criteria for going to church, what are you waiting for?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Beautiful in it's time

above it all
My Father, my God
Is at His work
Always bringing
much good
Unto all
who love Him
above it all
My Father, my God
Is at His work
Always bringing
much good
Unto all
who love Him
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Life by the river Chpt I
"hrmm... so this is my new home?" thought the duck
He got back up on his feet and waddled along, observing the calm river.
"hrmm..." he thought to himself "not bad, this river is quite clean and it's cool and breezy too! I hope I can make a good living here, the other residents here seem quite ok."
It was migrating season and all the creatures of the woodlands were finding a new home. This particular river was one of the many places the creatures checked out. It was quite a small river or it would be more appropriate to call it a stream. It was tucked away in a quiet corner of the woods and was rather remote, not the most happening place definitely. But that was enough for Bill the duck, his previous home was no better than this. So he was waddling down the stream checking out who his new neighbours might be when suddenly....
"Quack! what's that?" He squinted to get a better look. It seemed like a large stone but with perculiar markings on it. "It's moving!" he thought to himself. So he waddled closer towards it, taking care to keep his distance, but without warning! It turned around and a head came out of the stone.
"Quack! Well, it turns out to be a box turtle. He looks... quite fierce, I think I'd better stay away from him..."
So Bill carried on with his tour when a large mother goose swooped down onto the soft grass and with her loud voice called out
So all the creatures of the woodlands came hopping, scurrying, crawling, gliding and of course, waddling to the apple tree. Then the mother goose started counting all the creatures.
"Squaak! Everything seems to be in order, come let us proceed with the tour!"
Bill waddled along with the entire group. They went to many of the landmarks of the river, there was the field of clovers, the great oak tree, the crystal fountain and many other charming features of the river. Then, the mother goose led them to the eldertrees where the history of the river was carved on the trees for all it's inhabitants to see. Mother goose puffed up her chest, brimming with pride as she started speaking about the history.
"Now, this river is a relatively young river, only 100 years since it's formation when the rocks of Rush mountain burst forth and......" Now it just so happen that Bill was standing quite close to the turtle he had seen earlier. He kept his cool but in his heart he kept wondering what it would be like to live with a brute such as him. He observed the turtle from the corner of his eye but the turtle did not even notice him. Bill had nearly calmed himself, listening to the mother goose's tale when suddenly the turtle remarked quietly,
"This is so depressing....."
Bill giggled quietly, "well THAT was unexpected!" he thought "Looks like life by the river is going to be truly exciting and hey! It's only just begun."
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Racial & Religious harmony, often misunderstood themes
Okay, I'll start off by saying that I cannot begin to express how important racial and religious harmony and tolerance is in a society. why do I say these two themes are often misunderstood you may ask. Simply because, many Singaporeans think that racial and religious harmony is one and the same thing. While it is true that in Singapore, most of the adherents of a certain religion are mostly from one of the major racial groups (e.g. Chinese and Taoism/Buddhism, Malay and Islam), it is not true that the entire race is of that religion.
For example, I know a Chinese man who happens to be Islam and quite happy to be so; and there are other examples too but I will not state them here. The strange thing about racial harmony is that racism takes place even within the confines of a religion, for example the racism that happened previously in the Christian church of the west where, the blacks are segregated from the whites. Remember the Chinese man I spoke about earlier? I heard that when he attends the mosque, while most adherents are friendly towards him, some still look at him in bewilderment as to what a Chinese man is doing in a Malay majority place.
As the races in Singapore become more and more united, such things will definitely occur and we must be ready for it. More people will be interested in the other religions and may decide to even join them, although I doubt any major conflict of racism within a religion will arise here. So we should really take off the stereotype that a religion is designated only to a certain race.
I too have experienced this stereotype. Because I take Malay as my second language despite being Chinese, some people mistakenly think I was Islam. Although it gets tiring explaining the reason as to why I take Malay despite my race, I must admit it is fun watching people's bewildered expressions.
Moving on to a deeper misunderstanding that unsettles me though, there is something I must say. This next line may or may not offend you but if it does, before you release a zoo into my inbox and call the cops on me, please read my explanation first.
Religious harmony is important, Religious integration is a joke.
What I mean by this is that yes, while it is important having the adherents of different religions living side-by-side in harmony, there is no need to bring it a step as far as integrating the religions. I have heard of some people and organizations which try to merge all the major religions and create a universal doctrine or religion.
This is a flawed concept as anyone who puts weight into their religion knows that it is not possible to merge their own doctrine with that of another religion because that would involve perverting and compromising the authority and integrity of the doctrine. A similar problem is in saying that all religions actually worship the same God/s but in a different form or in different ways. This is untrue because the perception of God/s in the different major religions are often too different to be reconciled and integrating the dieties of the different religion will also involve perverting the religion.
This is true for all major belief system making them mutually exclusive. In other words one cannot say, "I belief in Jesus' teachings but I also belief in Buddha's teachings" at the same time because both their teachings are essentially different from the other. You can't have your cake and eat it.
Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to say who's wrong or who's right.
It is similar to an arithmatic question, you can't decide to have two solutions to the same question; you have to choose one and stick with it, unless of course, you change your mind.
However, just because we have different beliefs does not mean we can't respect one another. The key is to be understanding and patient with one another, forgiving a person if he unintentionally does something that is offensive against your belief. We also have to make a concious effort to learn about the religion of others' and respect them for what they believe in, afterall, we are all human and no one is inferior or superior just because of what they believe in.
Love, the universal principle
All major religions teaches love and the other basic human morals. Love is the universal principle. Anything that teaches otherwise, that is to teach one to hate another human, are false and are destructive and potentially deadly. Maybe a good example would be the Sarin gas terrorist attack in Tokyo. Love is the only principle where all major beliefs can find common ground.
Therefore, let us honour our own beliefs by loving each other and living in peace with each other.
Happy Racial and Religious Harmony Day=D
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Yah, akhirnya abang gue pergi ke auzzie. MERDEKA!!!! Kamar jadi milikku!! haha s'karang tilamnya mau ku buat apa ya? haha gurau aja deh. Tahun depan sudah giliranku untuk pergi. Tadi saya lihat rombongan farewell untuk abang sih, sedih juga yar, giliranku harus lebih meriah! Tapi, untuk sekarang gue mau rayakan merdeka gue dulu haha PARTY!!!! Makasih yar kor, selalu tolong saya=D
Minggu ini agak sebelin deh. Belum belajar benar-benaran lagi. Minggu depan sudah stel, harus belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh. Mate saya sudah mahu mati ini. aduh sebel amat. Saya cuma boleh bekerja keras dan berdoa supaya Tuhan bantuin saya, kalo ngak, dah bables saya. Capek bener, gak dapat tunggu sampe boleh pergi ke gereja.
Yesus, tolong bantu saya lebih rajin dan berdisiplin. Saya telah bertekad untuk membuat hidupku sebuah persembahan yang harum bagimu. Amen
Sunday, June 28, 2009
It is well with my soul
I was even more touched when recently I learned how this song was composed. It was written Horatio Spafford after several traumatic events in his life.
The first was the death of his only son and that is followed by the great Chicago fire that ruined him financially and forced him to file for bankruptcy(he had been a successful lawyer). Two years later, the ship in which his wife and four daughters were in collided with another vessel and quickly sank, killing all four of his daughters. Shortly after, Spafford travelled to meet his grieving wife and on top of the waters where his daughters perished, he was inspired to write these lyrics:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Guitar lesson at Wei Jie's
Monday, June 15, 2009
YOUTH CAMP 09!!!!!!!!!
It was lots of fun:D I got to do many things that I've never done before, among them are:
1Play tchouk-ball
2Stay up till 5 in the morning
3Taupok Ben and Micah XD
4Be Taupoked by Ben and Micah
5Vacuumed up an entire plate of chin-chow into my mouth
6Dreamt of being attacked by chin-chow(it was all black....(no Bryan, I'm not being racist))
7Have maths lesson in the park (which I have a profound distaste for=__=)
8Walk into a pole on my way home
and so as you can see, I had a great time in camp.
Most importantly of course, I got a deeper insight into the camp theme that is "By Faith". It was a good reminder for me of what faith truly is. It's not just a way of thinking or an inner state, it is something that has to be acted upon. As the Gospel writer puts it:
"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
actually, I'm quite surprised that they didn't use this verse throughtout the camp, I thought it was very relevant but oh well. I'm sure God had convicted the hearts of many during the camp as he did with me
Cant blog about Japan
So I'll just upload it onto Facebook and if you're interested to look just see my facebook account. Or if you want me to send it to you via picassa then just tag
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Things I've learnt
He who refuses to admit weakness will never be strong
He who refuses to confess sorrow will never know joy
He who refuses to speak will never be understood and can never be helped
He who refuses to be put to shame will never be glorified
He who refuses to let others know
how unlovely he is can never be truly loved
He who refuses to look foolish will never
be looked upon with awe
Wisdom dies,
Sophistication vanishes,
Glory perishes, but love lasts forever
He who trusts only in himself,
will live only for himself,
be left only by himself,
be loved by only himself,
be utterly dissapointed only in himself,
will hate everyone besides himself,
and will die only by himself.
There is little hope for such a person
Friday, May 22, 2009
haha yeap, I just got some new "accesories" attached to my braces and it hurts like getting circumcised with a guillotine to chew. So, I'm forced to eat baby food for now until I get used to the pain. Aside from tasting, smelling and looking like yellowish mush, it's actually not that bad, I mean hey, it's nutritious and non-fattening right?=)
Haha well, my results were just revealed to me today at school and it was quite appalling... It was okay for me to fail maths but I didnt expect to get such bad grades for english. here are my grades:
English: C5
E Maths: E8
A Maths: F9
Malay: B4
Physics: C5
Lit/SS: A1
L1R5: 27
Oh well... well, I thank God for my one A1 and I pray and work hard for more As. haha I was quite surprised when Mrs Ang announced that I scored the highest for Literature in the level and I don't really think I deserve it. The irony is that throughtout the exam period I didnt touch my Lit materials even once. And before the Humanities paper, while all the History and Geography people were busy mugging their final notes, I went up to them and said:
"Okay, time for me to do my Literature preparation"
then I sat down,
and slept. haha oh well. I did that quite wisely since I have a curse of being dreadfully sleepy during the second paper which literature just happened to be. So due to the sleeping, I was wide awake during the lit paper=D.
hahaha yay going to Japan tmr quite excited. I only have one thing against the trip and that is that I would be missing 2 weeks of church:(..... oh well.
well enough crapping for today, signing of. God bless you alll!!!!:D
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Feeeelings, woahwoahwoah, feeeelings
Dan looked at his friend, furrowing his eyebrows,
"Go home and love her,"
"You don't understand, I have no feelings for her anymore, It's not what it used to be,"
"I didn't ask you how you felt about her, I asked you to go home and love her,"
"But then I'd be emotionally dishonest to myself if I treat her that way when I don't feel the same way!"
Dan furrowed his eyebrows again and continued,
"Robert, does your mother love you?"
Robert was abit offended by this question,
"Of course she does!" He answered
"Well, a few weeks after she brought you home from the hospital you were screaming at the top of your voice in the middle of the night with dirty diapers and she had to wake up dog tired, trudge on the cold floor, change your miserable diapers and feed you a bottle- did you think she really got a bang out of that?"
"Well, I think your mother was being emotionally dishonest to herself,"
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Light of the World
Thursday, May 14, 2009
haha I wish, still got O lvls to prepare for although I'm not as crazy as SOME people who start revising the moment they got home from exams =___=
I'll start revising during the second half of the first week of June hols.
Today's paper was the worst.... Killer A maths paper 2. Well, I studied the day before and in the morning. But before I went into the exam hall, I already accepted the fact that I was very likely to fail the paper, but I promised myself to give it my best and so I did. In the end it turned out exactly as I foresaw it sigh... worst 2 and a half hours of my life. I'll polish my amath during the hols which is one thing I can look forward too:)
Kays I'll list out the highlights of my holidays
24th May: NIHON TRIP
That's right! You read correctly, I'm going to the land of the rising sun(I always wonder why they call it that). My mom suddenly decided to go to Japan today and is bringing me and my bro along, so dun forget to check out my blog when I return:D
P.S. (pray I dun get swine flu >.<)
12th June: AMKPC YOUTH CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY cant wait for youth camp:D Although, it is abit of a bummer that it has to be held in a Secondary School but oh well, I'm sure it'll be fun. I guess they can't hold it elshewhere cuz of the flu threat(darn swines....)
Every Sunday: Church!
haha I know this is abit dumb cuz it's not really a holiday highlight but church is always a highlight for me at any time:D
WE HATE SWINE FLU!!!!! Let's all go kosher:D
Kay, time to have fun and after that MUUUUUUUUUUUUG from dawn to dusk. Can't wait to get the 'O's over and done with.
Friday, May 8, 2009
haha it's been the loooooooongest time since I last blogged haha. 4 days of exam has come and gone. english, malay, SS, Chemistry and Amaths paper 1.... and one more week to go!! haha
I really hope I'll do well for maths this time round.
Hrmmm.... cant wait for the exams to end. Lately, I've been learning to slowly live my Christ in line with how God wants me to live. Learning Sincerity.
I've been feeling very hypocritical, not practicing what I preach. God I hope this will change. I'm tired of living a double life.
I discovered that it is what you do when no one is around you that defines who you truly are. And sadly speaking, I'm not acting like how I ought to be. I will do my best to strive towards Christlikeness=)
okay that aside, I finally entered in the captions to all the pictures in my malaysia trip pictures so go check it out if you were confused before
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
"With pleasure your Graces" bowed Emanias as he rose from his seat "Your Graces know of the affairs of the land, much trouble is boiling in central Antia,"
"With all due respect Lord Emanias, there is no problem in Antia other than that of your own fancy," The High Prophetess spoke in the lull of a song, through the breeze of her ornamented fan. "Honestly, if there was any trouble in Antia, the Sacrisanc council would have been informed eons ago through the messengers"
"Lady Shardina, it is rude of you to interupt me whilst I was delivering my report. In any case, it appears that the prying eyes of your messengers have conveniently missed out the unrest in Antia, the state of the Nevians? There is great tension between the Ashmarans and Nevians,"
"I am completely astonished that you would doubt my messengers and imply such an appaling thing! Honestly, Emanias, there is no ill will in me. Only the will of the Shaddai through the Shaddai's chosen ones the 4 Sancrosses(blessed forever)!"
"We MUST send help to Antia NOW! Send forth Medics, Helpers and Guardsmen from the Cathedral of Apocalypse. The people are suffering and a civil war may start should we wait any longer!"
"This is preposterous Emanias! Sit down! Do not display such words and acts of contempt in the presence of the Sancrosses(blessed forever)! Our fine warriors should be reserved for times of war and we have even yet to verify you report," Suddenly concious of her tone, she continued "If anyone needs to be sent, we shall send the Strong-towers to terminate any trouble there might be"
"No more of this Lady Shar-"
"Enough of this!" rang the crystal voices of the 4 Sancrosses in unison "Let there be no quarrel in our pressence and in the presence of the Shaddai"
"My apologies you Graces, your servant begs your pardon."
"You may continue with your report,"
"Thank you your Graces, as I have said, we urgently need to send as many civil servants as possible to help and calm the people of Central Antia. And let there be peace making between the Nevians and Ashmarans,"
For a short moment, the Sancrosses gazed at each other, a silent discussion. Then they turned back and spoke.
"Unfortunately, Lord Emanias, we cannot grant your request. We cannot verify the report you gave"
"Your Graces! Do not treat your servant with such doubt. Go to Central Antia and see for yourself your Graces"
"Enough is said Lord Emanias, please be seated. We refuse your request,"
"Then so be it your Graces! I can see that the presence of the Shaddai has left the Hallowed Citadel. All ye Sacrisancs are corrupt with greed and power"
"Enough Lord Emanias"
"Ye Lords and Ladies pervert justice and distort the word of the Shaddai"
"ENOUGH! Lest you be punished most severely!"
"Enough? I hereby abdicate my place in the Sacrisanc council! This is no place to serve the Shaddai or even the people!" Emanias stripped off his divine diadem and tossed it to the ground where it shattered across the Grand Hall.
"How unfortunate that Lord Emanias should depart from us," Uttered Sancross Gamaliel
"Indeed, very unfortunate" resounded the voices of the other three
"The poor chap, he does not know what he is doing" whispered Lady Shardina, a sinister smile curled across her face.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Malaysia Trip

haha The next day we went to Cameron highlands. These are a few shots of it

The tree cursed by Jesus or rather, it's great great great great great great great great great great great great grand nephew's great great great great great great grandchild

Gawsh... I used to have at least 4/5 of these when I was younger
Well that brings us to the end of the Malaysia trip and a start of a new year!! Happy NEw YEar!!!