Day1: Arrived in Medan International Airport. It turns out that I would be staying in a villa that belonged to my relative. It also turns out that my relative owns a huge farm and is a major vegetable exporter to Singapore, Japan, etc! When I arrived at the villa my jaw dropped. It was HUGE.
The Living room, or maybe I should call it the lounge?
The SECOND Living Room
They have 3 dining tables, THREE!
This is just one of the FIVE bedrooms there.

It's great to have rich relatives, but I'm content with my small condominium haha, did I mention they have also have a large backyard full of different types of orange trees? I didn't take a full view of the garden but I took a picture of the orange tree.

Moving on, we went to the soon to be Pearl of Lake Toba Resort which will be completed end of next year(I think). anyways, eventho it's not completed yet, you can see how great it will be already. Here are a few snapshots of the place 

There are other facilities, some still being built, such as golf course, farm, etc. Btw, here are some interesting facts about Lake Toba: 1 It is large enough to hold 3 Singapores. 2 There's even an Island in the middle of the Lake.
Day2: We went to Brastagi which is a mountain near Lake Toba. Uncle Rio(the relative in whose villa I'm staying, He's not as old as his name would suggest) kindly brought us to his farm. Usually it would be strictly off limits but since we're relatives, he's giving us a special privilege, yay! He even let us pick some of his fruits and veges, yum! Btw Uncle Rio has SEVERAL farms these are pictures not just from one of them.
Cucumbers! We got to harvest some of the cucumber, wash and eat directly! They were soo sweeet:D
Me Picking the Paprika
Shades of my shirt!
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few

They have an interesting technique to reduce usage of pesticides on crops in the farm. They will grow bright flowers such as the marigolds above along side the hothouses. Apparently, pests will be more attracted to the flowers and stay on them rather than the crops. The flowers are then sprayed with pesticide to kill the pests. Thus the crops need less pesticide 
Aww...Ain't it cute and the next moment it's DEAD MUAHAHAHA!!! Just kidding:D
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

When we got back for dinner in the villa IT WAS GREAT! The freshly harvested vegetables were quickly cooked and they were soooooo different from the veges we have here. For once in my life there were more vegetables than meat served on the table, and I enjoyed it more!!!
Day3: Okay so we have seen where the vegetables are planted, but where are they processed and packaged? Well that is what I found out on this day. Uncle Rio brought us to the packaging site.
Here is where YOUR vegetables are picked for quality
Busy at work
Where your veges come in
Then packaged in these.
Workers are required to pass through this water gate to ensure hygiene
This is where water from the factory is disposed. The water has to pass through 3 pools before disposed into outside. To ensure that the water is clean before disposal, they breed fishes in the third pond.

After that we went to a famous fruit market in Brastagi. I've been here before long, long ago when I was a wee child, ahh good times. It's so different how much more I see, now that I'm 15 though the market itself has not changed abit.

But what surprises me the most in Brastagi is the number of churches there! Nearly every kilometer we traveled had churches. Granted these churches are quite small and aren't as fanciful as the ones we have in Singapore. Later I learnt that long ago the Batak people(inhabitants of Brastagi) were canibals. Missionary after missionary came to give them the gospel, many of them ended up on the dinner table(assuming they HAD tables) but one day, the Batak people aactually sat down and listened to the message of the persistent missionaries. That was when God did his work in the Batak people's lives and changed them to be what they are now. 
YES that IS a church
I know that some of these shots are not very good but give me some credit! I took it from inside a moving car!
Oh yeah one last Highlight off the trip was going to a restaurant at the edge of the Lake and have some scrumptious fish. We had fried goldfish! Not the chubby little goldfishes you find in aquariums but the more slender ones that somewhat resemble a koi. We got to see them catch the fish, beat it, scale it, slice it and gut it, All while the fish was alive!(actually it was already half dead) Wohoo! NC16 action! haha. It was goooooooooooood but I don't think you can get any tour guide to bring you here, it is a restaurant only locals would know. I was to busy watching the fishes get battered to take any pictures so sorry.

We left Brastagi and returned to my hometown! Medan! I missed it sooooooooooooooo much. The good thing about Medan is that no matter how long you've been away, you can still find everything nearly the same. All your favourite eateries you went to when you were a child. It's so great. Original Christian CDs are also waaaaaaay cheaper than in Singapore. One could cost about 50000Rp-75000Rp. 6000Rp is S$1 you do the math and yes they ARE ORIGINAL. I even got too see my old house!!! Too bad I couldn't enter, someone else is living there now. It's soooooooooo nostalgic. I can't believe someoneelse is now sleeping in my room...
Well that's all for now the trip was very enriching and so nostalgic. I love my hometown no matter how bad some people may picture it to be.

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