haha yeap, I just got some new "accesories" attached to my braces and it hurts like getting circumcised with a guillotine to chew. So, I'm forced to eat baby food for now until I get used to the pain. Aside from tasting, smelling and looking like yellowish mush, it's actually not that bad, I mean hey, it's nutritious and non-fattening right?=)
Haha well, my results were just revealed to me today at school and it was quite appalling... It was okay for me to fail maths but I didnt expect to get such bad grades for english. here are my grades:
English: C5
E Maths: E8
A Maths: F9
Malay: B4
Physics: C5
Lit/SS: A1
L1R5: 27
Oh well... well, I thank God for my one A1 and I pray and work hard for more As. haha I was quite surprised when Mrs Ang announced that I scored the highest for Literature in the level and I don't really think I deserve it. The irony is that throughtout the exam period I didnt touch my Lit materials even once. And before the Humanities paper, while all the History and Geography people were busy mugging their final notes, I went up to them and said:
"Okay, time for me to do my Literature preparation"
then I sat down,
and slept. haha oh well. I did that quite wisely since I have a curse of being dreadfully sleepy during the second paper which literature just happened to be. So due to the sleeping, I was wide awake during the lit paper=D.
hahaha yay going to Japan tmr quite excited. I only have one thing against the trip and that is that I would be missing 2 weeks of church:(..... oh well.
well enough crapping for today, signing of. God bless you alll!!!!:D