haha I had a super fun maths class today. It all started normally and Mr Ian Soon was going through his lesson on vectors until he said we could use Pythagoras' theorem to find the length of vectors(see, I do pay attention in class:P).
Then some guy challenged Mr Soon to spell Pythagoras. Rolling his eyes, he quickly took his marker and wrote on the board: P-Y-T-H-A-G-O-R-A-S. He then promptly challenged the class to give him an English word that he could not spell correctly and if we did, he would treat each of us to a free drink. But if we were to ask him to spell 5 words and he could spell them all, the class would have to treat him.
Being the secondary 4 teenagers we are, the entire class got into a frenzy of English words, all of which frankly, were quite easy to spell. One guy even shouted "tumeric" and Mr Soon quite happily wrote the word on the board, he was looking quite confident by now. Then the whole class hushed as the lesson continued and as he was teaching, the people in my row kept nudging me for a word to stump him and I promptly took out a dictionary and smiled. Then, as he finished one of the topics he wanted to cover, Wei Kwang shouted out
Wei Kwang: 'Cher! You have a new challenger
Mr Soon: What? hurry up
Me: denouement!
Mr Soon:What??
Me: DENOUEMENT!!( the whole class was in an uproar at this point)
Mr Soon: what's the definition?
Me: the final outcome or resolution of a play
He then wrote on the board: D-E-N-O-U-M-E-N
Me: Sorry, wrong
Mr Soon: Hey that's not quite fair you guys gave me a french word(you can imagine the state of the class)
Me: It's from the ENGLISH dictionary!
Mr Soon: Yeah but it's still french, you guys have to give me a purely English word. (talking to the class) like can you guys spell me rendezvous?
the class went into a frenzy of letters again, I wanted to spell it but my voice was drowned out.
Mr Soon: See? none of you can spell it so you must give me a pure English word
Me: hey, you can't say that, all English words originate from other languages like Latin or Greek so there isn't a "pure" English word.
Some Guy: Good one Alvin!
Mr Soon: (in an "argh, fine, you win" type of tone) You know, I really hate your class=___="
but I tell you something, if you give me any Malay word, I'm sure to be able to spell it.
Raudhah and Me: Oh, Sure!!
Of course we didn't challenge him yet since we wanted to get on with the lesson. After that Ian, not the teacher, said something that I can't remember and Mr Soon went on on how Ian disgraced the 'Ian' and is the epitome of suckiness and how he himself was the epitome of greatness. He then challenged us to spell epitome, which I spelled wrongly as epitomy(my bad) but Beverly managed to get it right. Then as the period nearly came to an end...
Me: Mr Soon! We haven't give you the Malay word yet!
Mr Soon: fine... give it
Me: menganiayai!
Mr Soon then gave me a blur look and the class broke out into fits of laughter.
Mr Soon: you know, my epitomy of greatness also involves lying right?
then the entire class got stunted by his lameness haha fun.
It may seem that we are bullying Mr Soon but really, we are not. It only made the lesson more enjoyable and I'm sure he didnt mind. Besides that we also learnt quite alot about vectors during the lesson. haha this type of student-teacher spelling competition should be used as an official English teaching technique, it really was fun and I learnt quite a lot.